·Cheng Enfu
Cheng Enfu, male and from the Han ethnic group, born in July 1950, is a native of Shanghai and a member of the Communist Party of China. He is a member of the Presidium of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Academic Divisions and director of the Academic Division of Marxist Studies of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. He graduated from the department of economics of Fudan University with a master. He is executive vice-director and professor of the Institute of Marxist Studies of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and contemporaneously president of the World Association of Politics and Economics, executive vice-president of the China Foreign Economics Research Association, and executive vice-president of the Institute of Law of Chinese Economy. His academic expertise is in theoretical economics. In 1999, he was awarded the title of honorary professor of St. Petersburg University; since 2004, he has enjoyed a special allowance awarded by the State Council.
Thinking for the country strength, people prosperity and human progress
Wang Zhongbao (hereinafter called Wang): Hello, Mr. Cheng. Working on your side, I already feel your scholarly character of striving for excellence and pursing creativity. Today I want to ask you how to be a good person and how to do things and make study. Although I know about some of your academic thinking, I still curious about how you treat the life and how to obtain toady’s achievements of scholarship, make full use of this opportunity, please give the young scholar like me the method of life planning, and the truth in life and scholarship.
Cheng Enfu (hereinafter called Cheng): I am willing to communicate with young scholars like you, and talk about my own personal journey of life, and perhaps inspire you. In 1950, I was born in the family of a railroad worker in Shanghai. Before the "Cultural Revolution", when I was in the secondary school, I particularly interested in the political theory course, such as, “materialism" and "idealism", “Practice" and "Contradiction", and so on. I like thinking and asking. Later, the father (Cheng Jiuru) often took the” party` work" home. In my spare time, I Looked through it, and gradually I fell in love with some article, including a lot of Quotations from Chairman Mao. My father sometimes talked about the Soviet Union's internal communication mysteriously with my mother (Guo Zhifang). I heard beside, and read some articles of the "Nine Commentaries” confusedly. During the "Cultural Revolution", I read more books about Mao Zedong. I was also an admirer of Lu Xun.
In March 1969, short after the military conflict in the Treasure Island between China and the Soviet Union, I decided to go to the seventh seven stars bubble state farm located in the Nen River County, Heilongjiang Province. I performed physical task actively, while organized several Shanghai educated youth to set up an amateur reading group. At that time, I have viewed through the "Communist Manifesto" and "anti-Duling," "State and Revolution" and other works of Marxism-Leninism. Because it is difficult to read, sometimes I only read half or one page per hour. I still adhere to bite down. In the early 1972, I happened to see a book "political economy"(socialist part) from the commander of educated youth company who graduated from college. I borrowed it and read it eagerly. And when I had questions; I went to ask the commander. At that time, I already transferred to the branch field as full-time secretary of youth working from production company (as educated youth platoon leader).Working in the office, I had more time for reading. So, before reading the political economics at Economics Department of Fudan University, i already contacted with the teaching material and classic works, and I really like this profound theory. The three years of farming in the Great Northern Wilderness, my physical strength and intelligence raised, which providing a good foundation for later life, work, scholarship.
Wang: Well, during the university, how you read and learn from it?
Cheng: when I was a undergraduate , graduate and teacher in economics department of Fudan University , and leave to teach in the Department of Economics, I systematically studied the Marxist economics literatures, such as "Selected Works of Marx and Engels", "Selected Works of Lenin", etc. And I also carefully read a number of works of foreign economics history and western economics theory. I also made use the rich resources of the Fudan University Library, extensive browsing the social science books such as philosophy, history, aesthetics, psychology, literature etc, and some natural science journal such as biology, medicine .My reading interest is still in a wide range and my thinking area often beyond economics, which provide knowledge base and nutrition. However, I plan to before the age of 65, I focus on the economic theory innovation, after that I will write the works of Marxism philosophy, sociology and political science.
At that time, the key discipline of political economics of Fudan University had a leading position in the country. It led by the professors of Zhang Xuemo, Jiang Yuanpeng, Jiang Jiajun, Song Chengxian. They are not only familiar with Western economics, and also mastered in political economics. These professors are examples on academic, and character charming. Each teacher's teaching style is different, which is my learning object.
Wang: From your conversations, it seems that working and research need interest at first.
Cheng: Yes, no matter what you are going to do, the interest is very important, but the interest needs a training progress. When I farming in the Great Northern Wilderness. I actively learn the technology of firing boiler, doing tofu, cutting the wheat and so on. In addition to interest, you also need to pursuit separately and dedicated. You should have interest and ambition. Frankly, at that time, my principle of finding “wife” is also in favor of like-minded woman, and therefore the female student of my class is preferred. The result is that I married Xu Huiping who stayed and taught at Fudan University at the same time .Now I often argue with my wife and children, because we all studied Liberal Arts, and interested in discussions on domestic and international events.
Combining Studying and thinking, focusing on thinking
Wang: you have a preference on the word "thought” Marxism Research Faculty founded “Thinkers forum”, and is organizing the English international publication “Thinker Review”. What is the difference between thinking and academy?
Cheng: Dedicated to the pursuit of academic thought, should become the lofty realm of the intellectuals who has an independent personality. Liang Qichao defined in the article "Learning and technology”, "Learning is observing things and inventing its truth; technology is inventing the truth and applying it.” Yan Fu in the preface of Chinese edition “Yuanfu” (Adam Smith, UK) said, “learning is mainly discovery, technology is mainly application.” Even though the" academy "they mentioned has difference in understanding with today, but the basic spirit is recognized. Scholars should reveal the inherent laws of the unknown truth or things, and open up road or method that the theory is applied to the practice by the independent academic research, and strive to reach the organic unity of learning and technology, theory and application.
There is an old saying: "Learning without thought is confused, thought without learning is perilous." "Confused" is blinded, “perilous” is dangerous, and thus to combine learning and thinking, pay attention to the thought. We must not only emphasize academy, but also to emphasize the ideology. The ideological content of the works is forward-looking, innovative and advanced related to the academy. In economics, Kang Youwei's socialist datong theory, Langer’s plan simulation market theory, Pareto’s socialist system theory, Schumpeter’s socialist economic theory, Ma Yinchu population theory , Sun Yefang’s value law theory, Liu Guoguang and Yu Zurao’s socialist market economics theory, Zhang Xunhua’s economic system circulation theory, and Hong Yuanpeng’s economic interests theory, having higher ideological content in varying degrees, become the pearl of the history of the development of Sino-foreign economic ideology. Thinkers are qualitatively different from the general sense of writers, theorists and propagandists, they often have a strong practical ability to criticize, thus give the wisdom of the progress of enlightenment and reflection.
However, these innovative ideas of go-against trend often subject to irony, criticism and fight at that time, which contrasts sharply with the extremely popular and old popular academic and thought. Objectively speaking, sometimes their work was written for ten years, decades, or even hundreds of years later generations to see. The people in this generation will be difficult to understand because of the awareness level, social environment and personal interests. Even Marx was not the most well-known theorists at that time. If selected the assessment of the Nobel Prize in Economics at that time, Marx is doomed to fail. And if Marx live now, he also has no opportunity to get the prize because of the political character of” Nobel Prize in Economics”. Therefore, I was elected as president of the global academic community-World Politics Economics Association. it prepare to vote the "Marxist economics prize" in the future around the world in response to the" Nobel Prize in Economics.
Wang: it is means that the truly valuable works are full of thoughtful, while thoughtfulness is obtained by independent thinking.
Cheng: Yes. Although the impact of the senior scholars is very important, more importantly, you should think and explore on your own independence. At that time, as an assistant of Fudan University, I can read the on-the-job postgraduate degree, so I enrolled. The time is limited, because I had to prepare the teaching while took the refresher course. However, tension also has advantage. When people get nervous, he will get bigger harvest. After finished graduation courses in1986, I began my master thesis, on consumer theory and reality, under the guidance of Hong Yuanpeng. Later, my master thesis was published as a book, whose name changed into a more popular" talk about consumer theory in the past and at present ". However, in the previous years, I did not know how to write the book. At that time, I gave the lecture "Das Capital" to undergraduate students. Although I did a number of researches, read many books and had a lot of new ideas, I still did not know how to write papers, including how to contribute to the journals. In 1983, I wrote the first article, my teacher Hong Yuanpeng told me to contribute to “Fudan University Journal”. I want him to help me to recommend something, but he let me hand in. I did not understand. Zhang Xunhua did the same. He urged me to write papers, but never say what is the subject you should write, I was a little unhappy. Later, I gradually learned to write papers, and I knew it’s beneficial for me. Now, I often tell my students that my teacher did not revise my paper, not to mention recommend the article. He just urged me to write. Ten years later, I understand. If my teacher did do it, then I would have a dependency. On the contrary, if no one helps you, you will think about it yourself. What this magazine focused on? What style they like? How to outline the reference? How to name the title? Therefore, they urged me to write articles, rather than become my crutches. They make me explore by myself, which it is helpful to my long-term development. So I am very grateful to them. Without them, it is impossible for me to have toady’s achievements.
Marxism for the body, Western Learning for use, Traditional Chinese Learning as root
Wang: I know, you are prestigious in the domestic academia, and put forward a number of unique scientific insights, can you give us scholars some suggestions?
Cheng: Marxism economics academia is committed to building the Chinese economics of “Chinese characteristics, Chinese style, and Chinese manner”. Firstly I think the methodology need to a breakthrough. In methodology, I suggest the method of generalization, that it is, absorbing the available knowledge of the related social sciences and natural sciences. Meanwhile highlight the main method. For example, use holism, structuralism, system and quantitative analysis methods flexibly in the method of materialistic dialectics and historical materialism. Through the integration of econometric methods, we have originally proposed “the new Marxist economics comprehension innovation theory”, " the new economic man theory", "the new living labor value- unitary theory ""the dual-constraint theory of resource and need", "the interaction theory of economic fair and efficiency", "the high performance theory on public economy", "the theory of socialism three stage", "the formula theory of primary socialist economy", “the double regulation theory of basis and dominance”, “the state-owned management theory of one government two systems”, the three controlled (control share, control technology, control brand) enterprise group theory", "intellectual property advantage theory ", “the basic contradiction theory of the contemporary world economy", "the uncertainty theory of economic globalization pros and cons”, “the economics theory of big culture”, “five process system act” of modern political economy, which on the basis of the Marxist economics, and referring to the reasonable part of Western economics.
Wang: Recently, I read your long paper “four theory assumption of modern Marxist political economy theory” published by the China Social Sciences 2007. 1. It is enlightening. Your paper generated a great response in theoretical circle, “Xinhua Digest”, China Social Sciences Digest”, “Marxism Digest” picked it and caused contention on the Internet. As I known, you proposed the “Reconstruction of the Chinese economics” in 1994.it is earlier in China, why did you put forward the “Reconstruction of the Chinese economics”.
Cheng: Since the 50 years of the foundation of People’s Republic of China. Chinese economics theory made major achievements of the development history of human’s economic under the guidance of Marxism in general, and based on the social resource of China's socialist economic practice .and made a great contribution to the high efficient China’s economic development, which reflecting the great economic wisdom of Chinese nation. It also provides a system of economic theory of "Chinese School" for the development of economics in the world. However, the innovation and improvement of theory economics in the specific evolution is always co-exist with a number of negative tendencies.
The first stage is from the foundation of People’s Republic of China to the exploration of "Cultural Revolution”. This stage has the tendency of "imitation of the Soviet Union”.
The second stage, the 10 years "Cultural Revolution". During the "revolutionary" phase has a "leftist" tendency. The third stage is from 1979 to the present, can be called the phase of reform, but also has the tendency of "imitation of the American”. Some scholars worship from the previous worship of “the Soviet paradigm ‘simply backward to’ the American paradigm", but they did not understand the contemporary Western economics "paradigm crisis" as the representative of the United States.
Wang: I am in favor of your opinion that you just mentioned .our country economic researches existence the tendency of "imitation of the American “or "imitation of the West". The reason why you proposed the “Reconstruction of the Chinese economics”, there are defects of traditional socialist economic theory, from methodology to basic theoretical content, then to the policy recommendations. But it is a fundamental mistake to apply Western economic theory directly to China's socialist market economic practice.
Cheng: Yes. I think the China's traditional socialist theory econometric model at least exist the basic flaws: first, in the level of regulating analysis. It simply compared of the category and law between socialism and capitalism, lacking of research depth. Second, in the level of the empirical description .it did not inherit the fine tradition of Marxist economics attaching great importance to the mathematical methods. It is lack of quantitative analysis. Third, in the level of policy research, it blindly adored and followed, and made the defensive explanation. It is lack of reflective consciousness. Fourth, in the level of the subject reconstruction, it is replace the socialist theory with the socialist market economics. It is lack of essence revelation. Fifth, in the level of method change, it is simply follow the scope and theory of western economics, and lack of innovation.
Wang: There is a view that the political economy has nothing. And the capitalism part is the content of Marx's “Das Capital”, which was the research outcome of the 18th century and 19th century, outdated. The socialist part is the explanation of the present policy, and often changes with the proposal change of our party's file. After listening to your above explanation, I understand that this view has certain one-sidedness. Although Marx's “Das Capital” is the profiling of the 18th and 19th century capitalism, but its core theories, such as living labor creating value theory, the theory of surplus value, the theory of capital accumulation, economic crisis theory, are still the powerful explanatory of today's capitalism and reasonable. Of course, with the development of social practice, the external form of these theories needs to be developed, such as, living labor range creating value, the means of production of surplus value and capital accumulation, and the manifestation of the economic crisis. Socialism economic theory is changing constantly, and some even inconsistent. For example, during the planned economy period, the political economics textbook mainly talked about the defects of market when talking the functions of the market. As the transition to market economy, teaching materials talked less about the defects of the market. This shows that our understanding of the socialist economic laws is constantly deepened, so textbooks are constantly changing, of which there are some innovative theoretical thinking. Of course, as Dr Cheng you said, the China theory economics need to rebuild on the whole, then you think how to reconstruct Chinese theoretical economics?
Cheng: As for rebuilding the China theory economics, I suggest that we choose socialist economic practice at home and abroad as source of ideas, and basis on the main assumption of Marxist economics. We should actively absorb the reasonable elements of a variety of economic thought of the past and present, around the world, learn extensively the available methods of relatively social science and of natural science, construct the new paradigm not only beyond the paradigm of Marxist economics and the Soviet Union, but also beyond the Western economics. That is reconstructing the economy paradigm in the economic globalization to reflect the economy practice of Chinese primary socialist market.
First of all, the source of ideas of theoretical economics is a variety of practice of socialist economy at home and abroad. Secondly, the theoretical basis of Chinese theory economics is the key assumptions of the modern Marxist economics. Thirdly, the academic origin of the Chinese theory economics is the reasonable factor of ancient and modern economics. I argue that under the academic principle of "Marxism for the body, Western Learning for use, Traditional Chinese Learning as root", we should “innovate comprehensively, develop initiatives”. Adhere to the "foreign things serve for China,ancient things serve for today,Chinese things serve for Western countries", the academic and culture of ancient China and modern China, and the social sciences academic and cultural of the contemporary Marxism must be exchanged to go abroad, to achieve" the integration between China and the West. Fourth, the method foundation of China theory economics is integrating the available knowledge of relevant social science and natural science.
Wang: Actually, you have creatively developed the Marxist economics according to your theory of “Reconstruction of the Chinese economics”, from the methodology of Marxist economics to the theoretical assumptions of Marxist economics, from the theoretical content of Marxist economics to the textbook system of Marxist economics. Now, you are now working on what aspects of the work to advance the study of Marxist economics?
Cheng: Now I mainly promote the research of Marxist economics from three aspects. First, comb, mine, and introduce foreign Marxist economics scholars comprehensively, and develop and innovate different schools of Marxism economics for learning. Second, start from the premise of Marxism, and make full use of the mathematical tools to study the middle and senior teaching materials of modern political economy. Third, promote the development of Marxism applied economics (such as finance, management, and even the accounting and other economic subjects), based on the Marxist theory economics.
Western economics is presentable, Marxist economics is practical
Wang: I know you are not only proficient in Marxist economics but also in Western economic theory. What is the essential difference between the Marxist economics and western economics? Many domestic scholars’ editor teaching materials and name the book "economics" instead of "Western Economics”, but the content is still the content of Western economics. They claim that economics is a science, regardless of the West and the East, it has no ideological content.
Cheng: Western economics and Marxist economics have commonness, but they also have essential difference. Simply, Western Economics is the bourgeois economics; Marxist economics is the economics of working people. Western economics is in the framework of the capitalist system or under the premise of economic theory, while Marxist economics is the economics of innovation on the basis of the critique of the capitalist system. Marxist economists should represent the interests of the particular class- the broad masses of the working people, to go against the narrow interests of the various interest groups.
Of course, I advocate for the prosperity and development of theoretical economics, China needs to create different schools. The modern Marxist economics inner on behalf of the interests of working people should also create different schools. The formation of the school is an important symbol of academic prosperity. In the new condition of Western capitalist countries' discourse hegemony and academic strength, some people regard it is the highest academic standards to publish an article on the mainstream economics journals of western developed capitalist countries. Actually it indulgence the expansion of the diversity of non-Marxist. Problems in this area must be improved.
Wang: Many students think it is very useful to learn Western economics .But, after learning it, they feel "empty", not practical. How do you think the reason of it? Can these practical problems be interpreted and effectively solved on the position and point of the view of the Marxist economics? For example, the problems of today's housing prices artificially high, population aging issues, environmental issues, and so on. It was also stated that Marxist economics can help us earn more money; do you think this assertion is right?
Cheng: In fact, Western scholars believe that many of its theoretical assumptions far away from the reality. For example, Nobel laureate in economics, Coase criticized the Western Economics "blackboard economics". Therefore, the assumption and reasoning of Western economic theory is mostly carried out in the virtual world removed from the real world. It is perfect in form, and seems very convincing and useful. Actually, it cannot effectively solve practical problems, many theories are "impractical". For example, Keynesian economics think that the reason of capitalist economic crisis is insufficient effective demand. The insufficient effective demand lied in the three psychological reasons: the declination of propensity to consume marginal, the declination of the propensity to invest marginal, liquidity preference. Therefore, the Keynesian "prescriptions" was in the case of private did not consume and invest, while the Government invest and pay for the consumption. After Capitalism taking this prescription, the economy developed in the 1950-1970. But later broke up the "stagflation" , Keynesian economics could do nothing to help, so the neo-liberal economics emerged . The content of neo-liberal is market can automatically adjust the supply and demand, state intervention is long-term and invalid, the state-owned enterprises should prevarication and social welfare should be personalized. In fact, neither Keynesian nor neo-liberalism is an effective solution to solve the lack of effective demand, which led to the stagflation problem of economic development. The lack of effective demand is because of the great income inequality caused by the great inequality of people capital assets. This is the cause of private ownership. I want to consume, but I do not have money, while the rich people cannot consume too much .Therefore, it is impossible to actively solve the lack of effective investment in the condition of the capitalist private ownership. In spite of they develop consuming credit, and it is very developed, but it cannot resolve this problem, unless the implementation of public ownership and public ownership accounted for the main
Of course, the Marxist theory economics is focus on solving the major theoretical issues, macroeconomic issues and fundamental problems, not directly resolving the problem of the personal; therefore, it seems very "empty”. But conversely, that big issue, big deal, is closely related to the lives of everyone. For example, the state has increased the efforts in infrastructure investment and the provision of public services, and then your trip may be more convenient. It is cheap and more convenient toby bus .an you will enjoy more health care services. The Russian people are now not regretting their indifference in the collapse of Soviet socialism.
Wang: Marxist political economy can explain the house price issue?
Cheng: In fact, Marxist economics can be more effective than Western economics to explain and solve the practical problems. Why the house prices so high? From the fundamental system is because of the development of private ownership. The faster the private ownership develops, more serious polarization is. Some people are getting richer; he had money to buy a house, not a set, but five sets, six sets. Since the house property will not decrease, if renting out will have the rent. Private real estate developers pursue more interests. The house is growing more and bigger and luxury. Why? A real estate mogul said, "I built the house for the rich".
The price of big cities like Shanghai, Beijing increases a lot, does the nation need to carry out the macroeconomic regulation? This caused a great controversy in the academia and government. If you stand in the position of Marxism, and with the point of view of Marxism to examine the problem, then it certainly needs regulation. if house prices rises too quickly. It is disadvantage for the people. If standing in the position of the broad masses of the people, they will naturally argue the states to regulate. In addition, from the point of view of the methodology of Marxist economics, the orderly development of the market economy also requires macro-control, it cannot be implemented the neo-liberal market economy concept. So, the State must establish a good market economic order in order to make the real estate market develop orderly. From this point of view, it is also need the national macro-control. However, if you are standing on some real estate speculators, or from the perspective of standing in the market fundamentalism, or in a wrong way of thinking and positions to look at the issue that higher real estate prices is conducive to economic development, it will oppose the necessary regulation. Therefore, from this example of the real estate can manifest that the stand, viewpoint and methods of Marxist economics is totally can be completely capable of as a theory to explain and develop the social and economic policies.
Population aging, in fact is not a thorny issue, it is easier to solve. But the solution is not someone advocated releasing the family planning policy .it should appropriately promote the infertility and "DINK" family, and also encourages the infertility, less fertility in the policy design.
Wang: Lenin made a judgment on the capitalism of his time. He thought that the imperialism was "decadent, declining, dying capitalism". But a century passed away, capitalism still exists, and some may live better. Modern political economy can explain some of today's issues of economic globalization?
Cheng: Marx and Lenin proficient in historical dialectics, they pointed out that capitalism would be replaced by the socialist or "collapse" is a short or long historical trend. But they didn’t predicate and conclude which countries in a particular year or a hundred years in the future is bound to collapse or crashes. Even if adopt the metaphor of "dying”, that is especially mean the history transition whose length is uncertain, rather than other understandings.
Therefore, the developed or less developed capitalist countries ` science and technology is in the development , economics has vitality, but still not keep away of “Lenin forecast”. Sometimes stagnant prevail, sometimes development prevail.
Looking at the past 10 year’s neo-liberal economic practice, you can clearly see: the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe is regressive decade, Latin America is lost decade, Japan is crawling decade, the United States and Europe is the slow rise decade. The 49 least developed countries identified by the United Nations (also known as the fourth sector), didn’t become rich through privatization and other neo-liberal way, and some even poorer. The global economy is urgently need revitalization and healthy development in the reflection and beyond the neo-liberal economic philosophy. The general factor to promote the economic development of capitalism is science and technology. The second is the adjustment of economic relations and the superstructure. The special factors to promote the economic development of capitalism differ depending on countries and external environment. Such as the economic growth of United States since the 1990s thanks to the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe "talent dividend", market opportunities, financial hegemony, and Arms Gregory.
From the practice of today economic globalization, we can reveal the fundamental contradiction. i.e., a contradiction between a country's internal economy continues and the private ownership of factors of production, the international community's continued economic globalization and private ownership and state ownership of factors of production, as well as non-governmental state or low-order or weak regulation of a national and global economy. They all will inevitably lead to disorder and decline of a country or the global economy. The fundamental contradiction completely resolved, will inevitably lead to global socialism, despite its difficult journey, quite a lot of twists and turns, long time. This is determined by the system and its laws governing the operation of the capitalist market economy, but also closely related to political and cultural systems. In other words, toward a fair and orderly economic globalization, which calls for global socialism rather than global capitalism, otherwise, the various crises, chaos, violence, coach man, and poverty will difficult to resolve.
Wang: You are now served as many academic and administrative positions, but I often see you write a high level works. Well, how you balance the administrative work with academic research?
Cheng: Actually, the most administrative work I am engaged in is related to the academic research .For example, organizing academic conferences, then I can get different was informed scholars` academic point of view. I participate in job classification, mainly looking at other people’s academic achievements. Of course, as an organizer, I will spend a lot of time to consider how to lead our research team to make a high level, high-quality research, how to train and mold young researchers like you, this work is need strategic vision and forward-thinking like doing research. You see, my desk is piled high with newspapers and magazines, every day I spend some time reading newspapers and magazines, continuing to track the dynamics of the theory.
Wang: like me, young researchers arrived in the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, income is relatively low, but today's social environment is more restless, it is difficult to stand the lone to devote them to scholarship. When Ideal goal conflict with the reality, some people tend to pursue the money. Can you give some suggestions of our young researchers or point out a path?
Cheng: If horizontal compared, the income and living conditions of young researchers is not high, it is a fact. However, from the history longitudinal comparison, the conditions of you young researchers have greatly improved r than the past So I hope that young researchers overcome the difficulties, concentrate on scientific research, organizations at all levels are committed to help solve your temporary difficulties, president Chen Kuiyuan repeatedly concerned about the housing problems of the Academy of Social Sciences young researchers.
The market atmosphere "All money” does affect us to carry out scientific research. But I think from our generation, has been gradually have the political environment of independent thinking; we must independently do the research. As an intellectual economist, there is a difference between the business owners and them. Pursuing goal is the most important social responsibility. In fact, this is also a traditional understanding towards economists and intellectuals. In today's society, this traditional concept is already too idealistic? Now in such a big period of change, what the position the intellectuals, economists should stand? In my opinion, reason ought to for the man, scholarly research for the public to nation, we should think for strength and prosperity of the country and human progress. This is the goals and ideals of the eternal pursuit of the intellectuals. It should not be out of date under market economy conditions. We need to stand on the position of working people benefit and make plans for business and society. We should be the "loyalists", "minister" rather than "traitor", "faint minister” and "stupid minister” of our country and people. Central Committee now propose the people-oriented, in essence, to the interests of the people and serve the people, this is the same. of working for people. Not only officials, and intellectuals, should be the servant of the working people.
Wang: In the leadership of Marxism Research Institute and the World Political Economy, Dr. Cheng, What experience and understanding you have?
Cheng: My experience is: put the public in the first, discipline yourself, govern the institute strictly, treat others liberally and make friends with scholars, collaborative innovation. The faculty of Marxism and the institute of Marxism not only did the first-class scientific research in domestic and international, but also to cultivate and shape a number of domestic and international first-class research talent. As for training of young scholars, we should strengthen the communication and exchange face-to-face with graduate students, young scholars .and often ask for some successful senior scholars to talk about scholarship method and knowledge for your youth. In addition, we are always hold institutional, national and international seminars, to promote the discussions and exchanges among young people, as well as the domestic and foreign counterparts. We also encourage, and support young scholars to participate the study of every topics, practice ourselves in the process of doing research projects. In this way, we can develop and train young researchers through a variety of ways.
Wang: Dr. Cheng, thank you for taking the time to accept my invitation. While you are our president, I would like to call you teacher. You will always our youth scholars` teacher, role model and example. Through this interview, I really benefited, and I also confirm my faith in Marxism. You inspired my determination to commit to Marxism. I hope to contribute to the development and innovation of Marxism with other young scholars .and also wish to have the opportunity to ask you in the future.
Cheng: Ok, we will communicate with each other if there is chance.
Wang Zhongbao: female, born in 1976, Huangchuan, Henan province. Economics doctor degree. He was the assistant researcher of Marxist research institute in Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. His research area is Marxist economics and economy globalization theory.
Translated by Xu Qiyuan.
Editor: Wang Daohang