Title: Global Law Review
Supervisor: Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
Sponsor: Institute of Law, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
Editor: Global Law Review editorial office
Editor-in-chief: Xu Bing
ISSN: 1009-6728 CN 11-4560/D
Publication type: Bimonthly
National post office subscription code: 2-529
Overseas post office subscription code:
Editorial office (contact information): 010-64022194
Language: Chinese
Link: http://fxylib.whu.edu.cn/service/qikan/NO11.html
Supervisor: Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
Sponsor: Institute of Law, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
Editor: Global Law Review editorial office
Editor-in-chief: Xu Bing
ISSN: 1009-6728 CN 11-4560/D
Publication type: Bimonthly
National post office subscription code: 2-529
Overseas post office subscription code:
Editorial office (contact information): 010-64022194
Language: Chinese
Link: http://fxylib.whu.edu.cn/service/qikan/NO11.html