CASS releases major Innovation Project research outcomes of 2022

Source: Chinese Social Sciences Today 2023-01-19
Major research outcomes of CASS’s Innovation Project for 2022 displayed at the release conference Photo: Zhu Gaolei/CSST
On Jan. 12, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) released 26 major research outcomes of its Innovation Project for 2022 in Beijing. These representative research achievements have significant decision-making, academic, social, and international influence.
In his speech at the release conference, CASS Vice President Gao Peiyong noted that as a landmark project in the development of Chinese philosophy and social sciences, the Innovation Project of CASS has been closely following issues of contemporary relevance, focusing on matters of major theoretical and practical significance to the overall situation of the undertakings of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the country. Contributing to these major issues, CASS publishes major research outcomes on a regular basis.
In 2022, CASS published nearly 400 monographs, 6,000 academic papers, 3,000 research reports, and numerous research results in the form of academic materials, collations of ancient books, translations, and reference books. The 26 major research achievements for 2022 demonstrate CASS’s new accomplishments in accelerating the development of Chinese systems for fields of study, academia, and discourse in philosophy and the social sciences. 
Expounding on the new era
In 2022, CASS scholars promoted, researched and interpreted Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era in depth, advanced the study of Marxist theory steadfastly, and comprehensively summarized the historical achievements of the Party and the country since the reform and opening up, particularly since the 18th CPC National Congress. Outcomes in this field include the Iconic Concepts in New Thoughts of the New Era series (Third Volume), The Decade of the New Era series (10 volumes), Handbook of China Studies: China in the New Era volume, and Research on the Four Decades of China’s Rural Reform series (nine volumes).
Achievements in the humanities
Committed to research on traditional culture and basic disciplines of the humanities, CASS scholars strengthened basic theoretical studies, deeply excavated fine traditional Chinese culture, and examined the history of world cultural exchanges in 2022. They produced A Collection of Literature on Du Fu’s Poetry: In Song and Yuan Dynasties (First Volume) (a total of 16 volumes), Research Project on Chinese Creation Myths: Data Compilation series, The Way of Heaven and Politics and Religion: Pre-Qin Confucian View of Heaven and Political Thought, A Development History of Spanish Fiction, and other works. 
Paying attention to academic frontiers and broadening research approaches, CASS launched The Myth or Elegy of Artificial Intelligence, which zooms in on the distinction, nature and danger of modern artificial intelligence, as well as possible mitigation strategies. 
Scholars also integrated the research strengths of Chinese history, world history and archaeology to improve research levels and innovation capacity, leading to publications such as The Liaozu Mausoleum: Archaeological Survey and Excavation Report (2003–2010) (five volumes), Archive of A General History of Chinese Thought, A General History of Modern Chinese Thought, Contemporary Studies of Modern Chinese Cultural History, and A History of Cartography.
Responding to reality
Centering on major theoretical and practical issues in China’s economic and social development, academics at CASS endeavored to explain Chinese practices with Chinese theories, and elevate Chinese theories through Chinese practices. By comprehensively summarizing China’s economic development in modern times and deeply analyzing its current economic situation, they completed works like Theoretical Exploration of Common Prosperity, An Outline of Common Prosperity, Modern Chinese Economic History (1937–1949), Wealth Accumulation and Distribution in Traditional China: A Study of Social Wealth in the Yangtze River Delta in the 1820s, Development Report of China’s 14th Five-Year Plan (2021–2022), and Blue Book of China’s Economy: Analysis and Forecast of China’s Economic Situation (2023), contributing to the promotion of high-quality economic and social development in China. 
Tracking the exploration and practice of Chinese modernization, Research on the Theory and Practice of Advancing the Socialist Rule of Law with Chinese Characteristics in the New Era, and The Jinjiang Experience: Exploration of Chinese Path to Modernization at the County Level have offered wisdom to the comprehensive construction of a modern socialist country. 
In addition, CASS scholars focused on opening-up and development experiences of economies around the world, and explored issues like “what has happened to the world” and “where is the world headed.” Related outcomes World Openness Report 2021 (in Chinese and English editions), Regime Competitiveness and Path Choosing: A Comparative Analysis on World Politics, A Study of Land Systems in South Africa, and The Heisei Era: Japan’s Thirty-Year Development Trajectory and Prospects have provided theoretical support for facilitating a world of common prosperity.
Editor:Chen Mirong
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